Special Update from Senator Mike Simmons
Dear Neighbor,
I am pleased to invite you to join me for my first town hall of 2025 focused on health care! This Health Care Town Hall will take place next Thursday, March 13th from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. in Uptown. You can read more about it below, and RSVP here.
Improving access to affordable and quality health care continues to be a top priority for my office, and now it is more important than ever that we come together as a community to talk about the state of health care.
The location will be announced 24 hours in advance, and it will be shared via email. I look forward to seeing you there!
Mike Simmons
State Senator | 7th District
General Updates from Senator Mike Simmons
Dear Neighbor,
While today is the last day of Black History Month, I encourage us all to lift up and reflect on the many, many contributions Black people have made to the Americas, and across the global Black Diaspora.
Happy Black History Month everyone! While I am supremely proud to be Black each and every day, it is always awesome to amplify and lift up Black and African voices, history, pride, and our unbreakable spirit during the month of February.
In the past week, my office and I hosted a Black History Month Youth Discussion where young scholars gifted us with their knowledge and dreams for the future, attended the Loyola Park Black History Month event, and sang Lift Every Voice at McPherson Elementary’s Black Student Council event. It was life-giving!
To further commemorate Black History Month, my team and I compiled a list of Black-Owned bookstores in the 7th District and across Chicago.
I have been in Springfield this week as well, where in addition to the usual schedule of caucus, hearings, and session, so many advocates came down to the people’s house on Wednesday. I met with advocates (and many neighbors!) from ONE Northside, The People’s Lobby, Centro Romero, and the University of Illinois. On top of that, I’ve had productive and collaborative meetings with the new senior staff at IDOT to discuss road safety and improvements on state routes, CDOT to discuss safety on 7th District roadways, and economic development advocates to discuss affordable housing, small business support, safety, and historic preservation in the 7th District.
Among all of this, I want to take a moment to highlight that on Wednesday, Governor Pritzker announced an additional 170,000 Illinois residents have had their medical debt erased - relieving $345 million. This debt relief is a result of HB5290, a bill from last Spring I was proud to have passed out of the Senate. We will continue to fight to make sure everyone has health care they can rely on, without burdening their families and loved ones.
Mike Simmons
State Senator | 7th District
District Updates
Senator Simmons Hosts Black History Month Youth Discussion at Palace Gate Restaurant in Uptown
Caption: Senator Simmons and Black youth from across the 7th District pose as their favorite inspirational figures from history, including poets, basketball players, and singers. I shared my personal shero from Black history Phyllis Wheatley, an African-born child who was kidnapped and brought to Massachusetts enslaved in 1761. Phyllis Wheatley learned to read and write and became a renowned poet.
This past Friday, I invited Black youth from across the 7th District to join me to talk about Black History Month at Palace Gate Ghanaian Restaurant in Uptown! Each young person shared what Black History Month means to them. For some, BHM is a time to reflect on the inspirational lives of Martin Luther King Jr., Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, and scores more. Yet others use this time to explore spiritual connections to their Black ancestors.
These scholars also had deep questions for me asking about my own role models from Black history, why I became a Senator, what is being done to keep kids like them safe from bullying or gun violence, and when history about early Black civilizations will be taught in the classroom.
Caption: One youth shares what Martin Luther King Jr’s “I have a dream…” speech means to him and his world view.
They showed a lot of interest in Black History from the ancient history of all of Africa to the Civil Rights Movement to the significance of President Barack Obama. I am proud to be Black and represent Black youth that share the passion that I have for Black history at a time when people are trying to erase Black history. Thank you Palace Gate restaurant for hosting us! Check them out at 4548 N. Magnolia Ave, Chicago, IL 60640.
McPherson Elementary Black Student Union
Black History Month Assembly
Caption: Students of the McPherson Elementary School Choir sing “Lift Every Voice” at their annual Black History Month Celebration
I was sad to miss the McPherson Elementary School Black History Month celebration and assembly this year, since I was in Springfield. However, Heather and Gabby got to attend, and it was life-giving! The Black Student Union led with powerful quotes from Black leaders, and the assembly included an emotional performance of “Lift Every Voice” by the McPherson student choir, a motivational presentation by local Chicago author Zetta Elliott, West African Dance by Moya Cultural Arts, and a fantastic drag performance to close out the celebration! The message was clear - we are strong, united, and unbreakable and we will stand tall!
Caption: Moya Cultural Arts leads students in Nigerian traditional dance moves on stage at McPherson Elementary School’s Black History Month celebration.
Loyola Park Advisory Council Black History Month Celebration
Caption: Senator Simmons and community celebrating Black History Month and the opening of Loyola Park’s new Teen/Tween Room.
I attended Loyola Park Advisory Council’s Black History Month Celebration earlier this month, and it was a blast! As part of the celebrations, I helped cut the ribbon for a new Teen Room at Loyola Park where teens can hangout, do activities together, and make the space their own! I also watched several performances from local dance groups from Chicago Tap Theater and Synapse Arts.
Caption: Tap dancers performing at the Loyola Park Advisory Council Black History Month celebration.
Senator Simmons in the News
Caption: Senator Simmons in the ABC7 segment, “Our Chicago: Black Hair Is…”.
District Updates
Black-Owned Bookstores in the 7th District and Across Chicago
Black-Owned Bookstores
Lifting Up More 7th District Bookstores
Click here for a full list of independent and local bookstores including Black-owned bookstores, Latinx-owned bookstores, LGBTQ+ owned bookstores, and women-owned bookstores!
Up to $6,500 Grants Now Open for Families Experiencing Homelessness
Families with kids in Chicago Public Schools who are experiencing homelessness can now apply for up to $6,500 in unrestricted cash through a state guaranteed pilot income program.
Applications for cash assistance for the Illinois Stability Investment for Family Housing program are now open. Applications close Sunday, March 9th at 11:59pm. Up to 750 families will receive a one-time payment of $6,500 and another 750 families will receive $500. You can apply here, or learn more about the program here.
Chicago Warming Centers
Warming Centers are open across the city. The North Area Center (845 W. Wilson Ave.) is located in the 7th District. Chicago park buildings and libraries also work as warming centers during extreme cold. Libraries in and around the 7th District include:
Budlong Woods
Budlong Woods Branch - 5630 N. Lincoln Ave.
Lincoln Square
Sulzer Regional Library - 4455 N. Lincoln Ave.
Regional Senior Center - 2019 W. Lawrence Ave.
Bezazian Branch - 1226 W. Ainslie St.
Uptown Branch - 929 W. Buena Ave.
Edgewater Branch at 6000 N. Broadway
Rogers Park
Rogers Park Branch - 6907 N. Clark St.
West Ridge
Northtown Branch - 6800 N. Western Ave.
14th District Small Business Security Infrastructure Grant
State Representative Kelly Cassidy has secured State funds to provide support to qualified State of Illinois 14th District small businesses to implement violence prevention, business protection, and safety interventions. Grants are available of up to $25,000 to qualified businesses in the district. To see if you qualify, and to keep up to date with the grant, please visit the grant website at 14sbsig.org. You can also reach out to her office directly at
PrEP for All - Free Community Workshop
Join Vivent Health + TPAN as we create a welcoming space for open discussions addressing questions and misconceptions surrounding PrEP while promoting preventive health strategies in a supportive environment. The discussion will be facilitated by experienced HIV providers and the Vivent Health + TPAN HIV prevention team. Learn how PrEP works, the options available and PrEP for women. Light refreshments and networking will follow the discussion.
Featuring: John Stryker, Nurse Practitioner, Vivent Health + TPAN
Stephanie Peterson, Prevention Specialist, Vivent Health + TPAN
Samantha A. Devlin, MS, Research Project Manager, PACT, UIC Medicine
This event will include social-educational activities provided by CFAR.
Funding was provided by the Third Coast Center for AIDS Research in Chicago - an NIH-supported collaboration between Northwestern University, University of Chicago, and Community Partners.
Register here.
Now Available: $10M in Small Business Capital & Infrastructure Grants!
Grants ranging from $10,000 to $245,000 are now available for small businesses through the Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity. Capital resources can be used for eligible projects including planning, land and building acquisition, buildings, additions, or structures, site improvements, rolling stock, and durable equipment. Qualified entities include businesses owned by Socially Economically Disadvantaged Individuals (SEDI) with a maximum of 25 full-time permanent employees and Very Small Businesses (VSBs) with less than 10 employees. SEDI includes businesses owned by historically underrepresented groups including people of color, women, people with disabilities, veterans, members of the LGBTQ community and more. Priority will be given to businesses located in Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Investment Areas, especially those with project proposals that focus on job creation, economic revitalization, or increased community engagement in these areas. You can apply right now on the DCEO website linked here. Applications will be accepted until April 7, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. Feel free to contact my district office if you have any questions.
Equality Illinois LGBTQ+ Resource Guide
Know Your Rights/Conozca sus Derechos
Thank you for taking the time to read my newsletter! If you ever want to reach out to our office, please call us at 773-769-1717, and we will respond promptly. We can also be reached at
Dear Neighbor,
My 2025 legislative agenda has been officially filed, and I am proud to share that I will be carrying over thirty bills for the next two years as part of the 104th General Assembly. My legislative agenda focuses on housing, human rights, transportation, healthcare, the environment, and education. As in past years, I’ve learned what is important to you through one-on-one conversations, walk-ins to my office, phone calls, community events, town halls, and organized advocacy. All of these interactions directly inform the legislation I bring forth, and I want to thank everyone for being engaged and passionate about what you want to see for our community and society in coming years. Please take a moment to read through all of the bills below and check out the status page of each linked on ilga.gov to stay up-to-date with my legislation.
Also below is an update on the committees I will be sitting in for the 104th General Assembly, my response to Governor Pritzker’s budget address, a recap of my visit to the Plainfield Pace dispatch facility, and community events. Keep scrolling to learn about important grant opportunities for families at-risk of homelessness, small businesses, and a reminder to seek out warming locations as we experience extreme weather.
One last item to share that I am excited about - on Saturday, tune in to ABC7 at 6 p.m. to catch me in a special Black History Month feature on Black Hair, where I share my personal story, background as the son of a salon owner, and legislation fighting against hair discrimination. You can also watch the full special here.
It’s been a busy few weeks, and stay tuned for even more updates in the coming days. Stay warm, and take care of one another!
Senator Mike Simmons
State Senator | 7th District
General Updates from Senator Mike Simmons
Dear Neighbor,
Before we continue to push for progress in 2025, I wanted to share everything we accomplished together in 2024. This newsletter contains a complete rundown of our accomplishments in 2024, including statistics on my legislative and outreach efforts. From passing 83 bills (which includes bills I authored, Chief-Cosponsored or Co-Sponsored) to attending 294 community events in 2024, I am as committed as ever to fighting for you in the Illinois Senate and connecting with you out and about in the 7th District.
Looking to the future, I stood with colleagues to introduce the Fossil Fuel Divestment Act, a new piece of legislation that would prohibit Illinois’ major retirement systems from making new investments in fossil fuel companies. We must take action to reduce the State’s investment into fossil fuels, and I am proud to be leading efforts to divest from the fossil fuel industry.
I am also committed to advocating for and protecting our migrant neighbors from the oppressive efforts of the current federal administration. I recently sent out a Know Your Rights/Conozca sus Derechos newsletter including important information for neighbors at risk. Please take a moment to review this newsletter whether you think you are at risk or not. Every member of our community has rights that must be recognized—regardless of immigration status—and everyone should be aware of these rights to help protect one another.
Mike Simmons
State Senator | 7th District
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