Ward | Alderperson | Address | Phone Number | Website | Email Address |
33rd | Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez | 3001 W. Irving Park Road, Chicago, 60618 | 773-840-7880 | https://33rdward.org | |
40th | Andre Vazquez | 5620 N. Western Ave., Chicago, 60659 | 773-654-1867 | https://40thward.org | |
46th | Angela Clay | 4544 N. Broadway, Chicago, 60640 | 773-878-4646 | https://www.chicago.gov/46 | |
47th | Matthew Martin | 4243 N. Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 60618 | 773-868-4747 | https://www.aldermanmartin.com | |
48th | Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth | 1129 W. Bryn Mawr Ave., Chicago, 60660 | 773-784-5227 | https://www.the48thward.org/ | |
49th | Maria Hadden | 1447 W. Morse Ave., Chicago, 60626 | 773-338-5796 | https://www.49thward.org | |
50th | Debra Silverstein | 2949 W. Devon Ave., Chicago, 60659 | 773-262-1050 | http://50thwardchicago.com | |
State Senator Mike Simmons’ roots run deep in the Illinois 7th State Senate District. He was born in Lincoln Square, the son of a single Black mother and an Ethiopian refugee father. His mother, Ramona, who opened her own business, Salon Pastiche, in Rogers Park at 31 years old and ran it for 25 years, raised him and his sister. His father, Mulugetta, was also a small business owner and ran a bar, the Wild Hare, in Lakeview for 25 years. Simmons’ family was one of the first Black families to integrate Lincoln Square after the U.S. Supreme Court mandated that public housing be built on Chicago’s Northside.
With his lived experiences and equity mindset, Simmons has committed his life to advocacy and public service. He is dedicated to amplifying the voices of seniors, refugees, the transgender community, people experiencing financial instability, single mothers, and other silenced voices in our democracy.
He is the first Black person to serve the 7th District, the first openly gay member of the Illinois Senate, and the third openly gay, black state senator in the nation. Simmons was appointed to the State Senate in 2021 and was elected to continue serving as State Senator to the 7th District in 2022. Simmons is a trailblazer for the 7th District and statewide. He believes in opening doors for people who have historically been treated unjustly by the government.
Senator Simmons currently sits on five (5) Senate committees, including Chairperson of the Public Health Committee, Vice-Chair of Behavioral and Mental Health Committee, the Labor Committee, Transportation Committee, and Appropriations Health and Human Services Committee.
In the 103rd Spring General Assembly he passed 23 bills; many of which are directly informed by 7th District constituents and their lived experiences on the topics of gun control, housing, transportation, access to health care, LGBTQ+ rights, expanding human rights, and much more.
Additionally, Senator Simmons secured two new line items in the 2024 Fiscal Year budget for a total of $2.5 million for state-wide HIV/AIDS reduction efforts targeted to helping communities access life-saving PREP medications as well as added capacity for STI screening. Locally, he secured nearly $10 million for facilities and programs located in and throughout 7th District neighborhoods.
Senator Simmons has launched several initiatives through his district office to better connect people with local government, including People's Legislative Councils, Traveling Office Hours, and regular Town Halls. In every aspect of his role, it is Senator Simmons' intention that every constituent is seen, heard, and respected.
Senator Simmons has delivered justice for his community. He secured funding for the Ceasefire violence interruption program in Uptown, worked with local organizers in Uptown, Edgewater, and Rogers Park to pass affordable housing ordinances, and fought on behalf of English language learners and their families as a member of the Brennemann Elementary School Council (2010-2016).
Simmons also served as Deputy Director of My Brother’s Keeper Alliance, an initiative of the Obama Foundation, a group seeking to break down the barriers to opportunity standing before boys and young men of color.
Senator Simmons has been honored with awards such as: Crain’s Chicago 40 under 40 award (2020), Crain’s Chicago Notable LGBTQ Executives (2019), Leadership Greater Chicago (2016), IMPACT Leadership Development Program (2016), Windy City Times 30 under 30 (2012), served on the Brennemann Elementary School Council from 2010-2014, Board Member of Equality Illinois (2010-2016), and a Co-Founder of the New Leaders Council Chicago.
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